
   SHIBORI COMMUNITY(絞りコミュニティー)は名古屋の有松に350年以上にわたって伝承されてきた絞りの技法を基礎に、シボリによる自己表現をめざしています。 1985年に名古屋で設立されました。「シボリ」を単なる伝統技法のひとつとして固定的に見るのではなく、創造、すなわち自分らしさを求めて、さまざまな角度から見直し追求することが、活動の中心です。



   SHIBORI COMMUNITY was established from 1985 in ARIMATSU / NAGOYA CITY. Twenty-two years have passed since it's foundation.

   SHIBORI COMMUNITY aims for self-expression in connection with SHIBORI technique which has appeared in ARIMATSU over 400 years ago.
Today, SHIBORI COMMUNITY has its local branches in major cities of JAPAN, such as Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka and the number of members accounts over 100.
Once a year, each community held shows and every other year there are several "Joint exhibitions of SHIBORI COMMUNITY" In addition to this, we also have shows in foreign cities, such as San Francisco, London, Canberra, etc.

   The aim behind the self-expression of SHIBORI COMMUNITY is "How can the inherited technique be used?" At the same time, it is about how "the thoughts of artists" can be described?
The stranger this thought, It will be bigger that the eagerness to create new techniques, self-expression is just for "Me".
Being important for "us", self-expression will serve as a powerfull souce for passing the tradition to the next generation.